


Wealth CMS Tutorial Volume 1 - Beginner's Guide to Installing and Setting Up with Baota Panel

Fa Cai CMS is a free X-site program produced by a programmer in the group with grand dreams (to have enough to eat). Yesterday, I personally tested it and completed the setup using Baota in ten minutes; the configuration is also very simple. Without further ado, here’s the tutorial.

Update Records#

This tutorial will also be updated along with Fa Cai CMS.

  • 2024/10/14 Fa Cai CMS updated to version 1.1.3
  • 2024/10/24 Fa Cai CMS updated to version 1.1.4 (major update, all features free except for the removal of resource site advertisement function)
  • CPU 2-4 cores
  • Memory 6-8G
  • Disk 50G SSD
    Fa Cai CMS can also run on 1H1G, but if based on Baota panel, it will consume more server resources. I personally recommend using at least the above configuration; feel free for the wealthy.

System Environment#

Linux 64-bit system, currently does not support 32-bit and Windows systems. If customization is needed, please contact the author separately: @qbl688

  • CentOS 8 and above
  • Ubuntu 18+
  • Debian 10+
  • glibc version 2.27+

Install Baota#

If you don’t know how to install Baota, first look at the tutorial below.
Install a visual management interface for your server - Baota Panel International Version aaPanel Installation Tutorial

Tutorial Demonstration Environment#

  • Server: 4H4G120G Thanks to the group administrator for providing the free testing server @macaoai
  • CentOS 8
  • Baota International Version

1. Install Basic Environment#

First, install the Baota panel (recommended to install the international version Baota aaPanel), then enter Baota to install nginx and MySQL 8.0.
I am using a machine with 4G memory for the demonstration. When installing MySQL 8.0, a prompt will pop up indicating at least 6GB of memory is required; you can ignore this and skip it. If you find that MySQL is not installed properly, you can reinstall it from the Baota backend.

2. Install Fa Cai CMS#

Use SSH tool to connect to the server and directly enter the following command to execute the installation:
sudo wget -qO- https://download.aifc.cc/1.2.0/install_1_2_0.sh | bash
Or enter the Fa Cai CMS TG channel to download the installation package: https://t.me/facaiCms/10
If the installation is successful, it will display as shown in the image below:
Fa Cai CMS Installation Successful

3. Open Ports#

In the Baota panel, select "Security" on the left side, then in the pop-up window, enter the port "8880" in the second line of the Port section, and finally click the green button in the lower right corner to save.
aapanel open port

4. Create Website#

Point the domain name to the server, in the Baota panel, select Website on the left side, and click add site to create a website.
Enter the website domain name, select the MySQL database, and then save.
aapanel create website
Copy the database username and password, as you will need them later.
aapanel database username password

5. Initialize Fa Cai CMS#

Use your server IP plus port and directory to enter the Fa Cai CMS backend:
http://host:8880/admin/ (replace host with your server's IP address)
After entering, input the username, database name, and password of the website database we just created in Baota. Then set the password and click "Initialize Configuration".
Fa Cai CMS Initial Setup

6. Set Up Reverse Proxy#

Open Baota, and select Conf next to the website you created to set up the website.
aapanel set up reverse proxy 1
On the left side, select Reverse proxy, then choose Add Reverse proxy.
aapanel set up reverse proxy 2
Proxy name can be filled in arbitrarily; you can also follow my example and fill in fccms.
Target URL should be filled in as
You can ignore the rest; just click the green button in the lower right corner to save.
aapanel set up reverse proxy 3
The reverse proxy setup is successful as shown in the image below.
aapanel set up reverse proxy 4

7. Modify Website Configuration#

Copy the following code and paste it into a text editor, replacing all instances of "cs.aifc.cc" in the code with your own website.

listen 80;
server_name cs.aifc.cc;
index index.html;
root /www/wwwroot/cs.aifc.cc;

location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

# Add custom request header X-Language-Header Simplified Chinese
#proxy_set_header X-Language-Header zh-cn;

access_log /www/wwwlogs/cs.aifc.cc.log;
error_log /www/wwwlogs/cs.aifc.cc.error.log;

For example, if the website I am demonstrating uses the URL thepornwiki.org, just replace the URL in the text editor.
nginx website configuration
On the left side, select Config, paste the code with the replaced URL on the right, and then click Save.
nginx website configuration modification

Alright, with that, Fa Cai CMS is fully installed. The backend address is your website/admin, which for the demonstration site is (https://thepornwiki.org/admin).

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