SeyouCMS is a free X-site program that aggregates video resources from over a dozen X-site resource collection sites, with more than 200,000 video sources.
SeyouCMS Demo Site#
SeyouCMS Features#
- No need for any settings; video sources update automatically without any manual collection;
- Low server requirements (does not support virtual hosts); a 1-core 1G machine can easily handle over 1 million PVs, and a 4-core 8-thread machine can easily handle over 10 million PVs (the webmaster tested this machine running 7 sites with no pressure);
- Simple installation; beginners can learn in ten minutes, and webmasters with basic site-building skills can set up one in about 5 minutes;
- Videos can be streamed online and also have BT torrent download functionality, providing users with different options;
- 30 templates (gradually increasing), and each template has separate settings in the backend; changing templates does not require code modifications, making it very convenient;
- Comes with a domain redirection system; webmasters of domestic sites can set up multiple domains to effectively prevent domain blocking;
- Built-in caching function; after caching, the homepage load time is 0.002 seconds, and the list load time is 0.0004 seconds, with a memory usage of only about 1MB per visit;
- Ad spaces include banners, icons, bottom floats, and site-wide JS (ad network code), with very convenient settings that are easy for beginners to understand;
- Friendly links can be sorted as desired, making it easy for webmasters to exchange links;
SeyouCMS Backend Screenshots#
System Overview#
Here you can see your server information, making it easy for webmasters to understand the server status without having to log into the server panel each time.
Website Settings#
Template Settings#
Templates do not need to be downloaded and installed separately; pay attention when selecting templates, as each template has different settings, and reconfiguration is needed if the template is changed.
Ad Settings#
Ad settings are similar to templates and will have different ad positions depending on the template, generally including banners, bottom floats, and site-wide JS.
Link Settings#
This is where you can add friendly links; some templates have links at the top, some at the bottom, and some at both the top and bottom, allowing you to set according to your needs. You can also sort friendly links by number.
Domain Settings#
Domain settings are mainly prepared for domestic webmasters, allowing for multiple domain redirections to prevent being blocked by firewalls.
System Settings#
Here you can set caching, load protection, and search-related settings.
Security Settings#
Here you can change the backend password and set the backend access domain.
SeyouCMS Download Address#
Telegram Channel: @sycms After entering the channel, look for the latest version to download.
SeyouCMS Installation Tutorial#
This site provides a beginner-level installation tutorial for SeyouCMS: “Beginner's Guide to Building SeyouCMS from Scratch in Ten Minutes, Create Your First X-Site”