


Beginner's guide to building SeyouCMS from scratch, create your first X site in ten minutes.

Recently, many newcomers have been asking me for the setup tutorial for SeyouCMS. With the recent update to version 16, I built 6 sites after using it, it's simply amazing! If it weren't for the Pacific Ocean in between, I would really want to meet the author in person!

Such a great CMS definitely deserves a few hours of my time to write a detailed tutorial to share with you.

SeyouCMS Demo Site#


Introduction to SeyouCMS#

I wrote a separate article introducing SeyouCMS. Newbies are advised to read this article first: “SeyouCMS, a free X site program integrating over a dozen resource sites with more than 200,000 resources”

Without further ado, let's get into the practical steps.

Download the Source Code#

The source code for SeyouCMS can be found in the Telegram channel @sycms. Enter the channel to find the latest installation package. First, download it locally, enter the password to unzip it, and then re-compress it into a zip file, because password-protected zip files cannot be unzipped in the Baota panel.

Basic Environment#

This tutorial is based on the Baota panel (international version). The interface is in English, but it doesn't affect anything; just follow along, it's very simple, so don't worry. If you encounter something you don't understand, you can use a web translator.

The basic environment for the panel is: Nginx 1.22.1 + PHP7.4 + MySQL 5.7.44 (SeyouCMS does not require a database, so this can actually be skipped).

Create a New Website#

After setting up the Baota panel and installing the basic environment, click on Website on the left, and select Add site.
Baota Create New Site
A window will pop up at this time. Enter your domain name in the Domain name field, and check the Apply for SSL box (installing the SSL certificate will change your website from http to https. Before doing this step, the domain must be resolved to the server's IP address in advance. If there is an error at this step, you can uncheck it for now and install the certificate later), then click the green Submit button, and a new website will be created.

Upload the Source Code#

After creating the website, click to enter the root directory of the website.
Once inside, select the following files, then click more on the right and choose Del to delete these files.

These files are automatically generated by Baota after you create the website and are not useful. The first folder is for SSL certificate renewal, which does not need to be deleted. If you haven't applied for an SSL certificate, then this folder won't exist.
Clicking Del will pop up a confirmation window; click confirm to confirm.
Select Upload
(You will notice that there is still one file that hasn't been deleted; you can ignore it.)
At this point, a window will pop up. Move your mouse to the blue Upload file button, and two options will appear. Choose the first one, then find the re-packaged SeyouCMS zip file on your local machine.

(The first option is to upload files, and the second option is to upload folders. Generally, we will package the source code into a zip file before uploading, as it is convenient and quick, and it is less likely to lose files.)
After selecting the zip file, click the Upload button in the lower right corner.

Once uploaded, it will look like this; select the X in the upper right corner to close it.
Then move your mouse to the far right of the zip file and select Unzip to extract it.
After extraction, it will look like this.

Modify PHP Configuration#

On the left side of the Baota panel, find App Store, then on the right side find PHP7.4 and select Setting.
On the left, find FPM Profile, and in the 21st line on the right, change the number after “**request_terminate_timeout = **” to 9999. After making the change, click the green Save button.
Then click on the first line on the left, Service, and select Restart to restart PHP7.4.

Download Website Data#

In your browser, enter your website domain name. After entering the website, a prompt will appear indicating that data is being downloaded. Do not close this page; wait for it to finish downloading by itself.

Set Up the Website Backend#

In the Baota backend, enter the root directory of the website and find the admin folder. After selecting it, choose Rename on the right to rename this folder. As long as the folder name does not contain ad, admin, min, etc., you can set any other combination of letters and numbers. Just make sure to remember it! I set mine to 123.

Open a new browser window with the domain + the name you set for the folder, for example, mine is https://666ym.net/123
SeyouCMS Backend Folder
Set a backend password; the more complex, the better, then submit. You can also use the password automatically generated by the program below; just make sure to save it.
SeyouCMS Password
After setting the password, it will automatically redirect, and then enter the password to access the website backend.
SeyouCMS Backend

Backend Settings#

  • The website name and homepage title can be the same;
  • The website description and keywords can also be the same as the title. You can put in some effort to fill in different content, basic SEO knowledge. If you don't understand, search for "how to fill in website description and keywords," or ask ChatGPT to write one for you.
  • For the statistics code, just copy the code from your statistics platform here.
  • The other places can be left as default.
    SeyouCMS Website Settings

Template Settings#

Each template style is different, and the settings in the backend will also vary when using different templates. Here, I will take the default 001 template as an example.
SeyouCMS Template Settings

The settings in the backend, such as LOGO, permanent address, APP address, etc., correspond to those on the template. Just find the corresponding settings and fill in your information.
SeyouCMS Template

Ad Settings#

The ad positions vary by template, so you can choose a template based on your needs.

Generally, banners, icons, and bottom floats are used for CPA, CPS, and direct ads from advertisers. Just input the image address and redirect address. You can also input an expiration date, so if you forget, the ad will automatically go offline.

The site-wide JS is for the ad network code. Generally, after registering and getting your website approved by the ad network, you will receive a string of code to copy and paste here.
SeyouCMS Ad Settings

Here you can fill in the friendly links for the navigation site, which can also be used for text ads.

By the way, you can also help promote this site for free. Link text: X Site Owner, website link: https://xzhan.xlog.app/
SeyouCMS Link Settings

Domain Settings#

Here comes the key point! This is currently the only set in the world, globally, and universally, free! With multi-domain redirection! An amazing X site CMS!

This feature allows you to add multiple domains and redirect them according to your settings, which is a godsend for friends making domestic sites!

However, I don't make domestic sites, so I can't explain the settings. The author has written methods to prevent domain blocking in the channel, please check the Telegram channel @sycms.
SeyouCMS Domain Settings

System Settings#

The system settings can generally be left as default. If you want to create a site cluster like me, just modify the data storage location and load protection as needed.
SeyouCMS System Settings

Security Settings#

This is where you can change the backend password. It is recommended to set a strong password with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers to avoid being brute-forced.
SeyouCMS Security Settings


That's it; the tutorial is complete. It may look complicated, but it's actually very simple to operate.

Newbies are advised to buy a small machine to try setting up a site first, initially connecting with some CPA, CPS, and ad networks, and promoting it to test the waters.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.