


Is it still profitable to run website X in 2025? The answer is that people push in front, and money chases behind!

For X webmasters, it is the best of times, and it is the worst of times!

Many server panels led by Baota have lowered the maintenance threshold for Linux servers, various tech-oriented content creators have popularized website building knowledge, and numerous X resource sites provide webmasters with free X resource videos, while many CMS solutions have alleviated coding troubles for X webmasters.

The downside is that under the current high-pressure policies in the country, it is becoming increasingly difficult to acquire traffic!

In the past couple of days, I communicated with some advertisers, and I found that running a site now is much better than it was two years ago. Many old-timers who used to run sites have been caught; some have made it to safety, some have transitioned, and others have mixed with me overseas... This has led to an increasing difficulty in acquiring traffic domestically, and consequently, traffic prices are rising! Since a large number of BC have withdrawn from Southeast Asia to fight overseas, I haven't seen traffic prices rise for a long time! Recently, I have witnessed it!

In the past couple of days, through communication with many advertisers, I learned about their needs and found that the current situation is that people are pushing in front, and money is chasing from behind! As long as you have traffic, advertisers will chase you with USDT!

Now, let me share some of my personal thoughts from the past couple of days, hoping to open up some new ideas for webmasters, so that everyone can earn more small money by 2025!

We have fallen into a misunderstanding, being troubled by the traffic of X sites, possibly also being mentally hijacked by the special industry of pornography. Yesterday, I chatted with an advertiser, and he said it doesn't have to be an X site; as long as you have real traffic, we will accept it!

Yes, why must it be an X site? The domestic policies are cracking down on keywords, so we can create other types of sites! You say Baidu won't index without filing? No problem, Sogou can index it! I have asked some friends who run legitimate domestic sites, and they said that Sogou also indexes sites without filing now, and the traffic from Sogou is not bad.

Combining the information collected over the past couple of days, if you want to be a domestic traffic webmaster, I sincerely feel that you can try to create legitimate sites, whether it's a site cluster, a general directory, a quality single site, or a scraping site, as long as you can get traffic! If X sites are hard to promote, legitimate sites shouldn't be difficult, right? You can promote them openly, right? Once you have traffic, connect with advertisers, and traffic turns into U, U turns into houses, cars, and girls; this shouldn't be difficult, right?

For webmasters who want to run overseas sites, you can ignore these. I will continue to update the website tutorials and aim to finish them this month. Before that, you can take a look at this article I wrote to establish some basic traffic.

Establish a resource channel on Telegram and use Jisou to acquire traffic methods

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